Information and Advice Services

Through our website, email link, and telephone number 01384 390065, older people, their families and friends and healthcare professionals can access our comprehensive range of advice and information.

We cover a full range of Advice and Information for anyone over the age of 50 including:

  • Benefits entitlement
  • Completion of forms
  • Blue Badge applications
  • Pensions
  • Debt
  • Legal Issues (we hold a 30 min free legal clinic once a month with a solicitor)
  • Older person’s bus pass
  • Care and support issues
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Any other issues that are causing you concern

If we can’t assist you, we can direct you to the agency who can.

We will listen to you, gather information for you, advise, and assist you to resolve any concerns or difficulties you are facing.

Contact us or drop into The Elton Centre for a chat.

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to assist the older members of the public in any of the above issues or indeed in any issue that is causing concern.  If we do not know the answer then we will signpost to an agency that does.